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Transfer Tape Guide

Oratape MT80P, Medium Tack

ProTak 73, High Tack

TeckWrap Purple Grid,Medium Tack

TeckWrap Matte, Medium Tack

TeckWrap Yellow Grid, High Tack for Glitter

TeckWrap Grey Grid, High Tack

Cut the Design or Cut File

The first thing you need to do is to cut your design. You can create a design on your Silhouette or Cricut design space. Or if you found cute designs online, you can download the SVG files. Don’t forget to place the shiny side of the permanent vinyl up on the cutting mat.

Also, do not mirror the design when you’re using permanent vinyl. Once the vinyl has been cut, weed the excess vinyl. If you want, you can do a test cut before weeding the excess vinyl. To make the weeding easier, especially for intricate designs, you can use a weeding tool or tweezer.

Apply Transfer Tape

The next step is to apply transfer tape over the decal. Cut a piece of transfer tape slightly larger than the vinyl decal (at least 1cm bigger) so the transfer would be much easier. Peel off the paper backing of the transfer tape, and place it over the vinyl decal.

You might want to slowly start with one corner and work your way to the middle. Using a squeegee or a used credit card flatten the transfer tape over the vinyl. The goal is to transfer the vinyl piece to the transfer tape. Flatten it out using a squeegee until the whole decal has completely transferred and all bubbles are removed.

Transfer the Decal to the Item

Once you’re confident the cut vinyl has transferred completely to the transfer tape, it’s time to place the decal on the merchandise. Don’t forget to clean the merchandise with alcohol and a cotton pad before placing the vinyl decal.

Start sticking the transfer paper on the one upper corner and work your way to the middle. It’s like placing a sticker, it’s just that you have to do it slowly. Once the vinyl design is transferred to the merchandise, it will be hard to remove it.

Use a squeegee to flatten the vinyl cutter to make sure it transfers well to the item. Once you’re confident it has transferred, peel off the transfer tape and there you have your final project! That's easy!

